Thursday, April 2, 2009

So we're closing 2 weeks from today. Why does the process have to take so long? Right now the ball is in the Lendor and Seller's court, so all we have to do is wait. Waiting is hard! The good news is that we will be closing 2 weeks from tomorrow. After that, we'll probably take a few days off to do pre-move in projects and to move. Before moving, we want to lay tile in the kitchen. Alan wants to do it himself, though I am not sure if he has made any calls to recruit help yet. The A/C needs repair, cable and untilities installed and a thorough cleaning.

We will be giving our notice to our landlord tomorrow when we pay him the last rent. I don't think he will be happy...its weird because he's been emailing me ALOT of articles about how its not the best time to buy just yet. Of course its his own poragative because he's loosing steady income when we move and then he has to find a new renter. But honestly, I am so ready to move.


Donna said...

So when is the housewarming party? :)

If you don't have an A/C guy yet, I can refer you to who we used. They charged $54/unit for the check-up. I don't know how their repair prices are, but I assume good. They were friends of ours in Goodyear.

Beckums said...

let us know if we can help out with anything!!!

Kelly said...

Ditto...let us know if we can be of any assistance...I'm sure that dad would be more than happy!