Monday, December 15, 2008

A Healthier Weigh

I've been on the Healthier Weigh program for 2 whole weeks now and I'm already down 15lbs! Granted, most of that is water weight, but its weight that I'm not carrying around anymore.

This will be the second time on her program. Last time, I went from 234lbs to 168lbs from May to Oct...I am seriously hoping for the same type of success. If I follow it correctly, I will average .5 lbs per day. That's 60lbs in 16 weeks (or by March 24). Then I go on a "refeed" for 3 weeks, then I start again.

What is this Diet, you ask? It's a medically supervised Protein Sparing Modified Fast. Below is the Wikipedia description in a nutshell.

A PSMF is a very low calorie diet. The dieter eats no more than 1000 kcal a day, usually between 600 and 800 kcal. The majority of these come strictly from high quality protein. No carbohydrates** are permitted, and very little fats.

One who is on a PSMF must consume enough protein to maintain lean body mass, which depending on the individual, can be between 80 and 220 g. Also, high quality essential fatty acids must be taken as a supplement, along with multivitamin and multimineral supplements.

The dieter is permitted any amount of low-glycemic vegetables, as long as food energy stays within the limits provided.

**I am actually allowed to have 10 grams of carbs only through veggies. For perspective, Atkin's induction allows 20.

My main problem is that last time, I didn't do the Maintenance correctly. I left the country for 3 weeks and when I got back the holidays started...I slowly gained it all back in and then some in the course of 2 years. I tried low carb dieting, but after I would hit a plataeu I would stop.
I TOTALLY need someone to be accountable....also, I know this time around its MORE about the maintenance than it is about the diet. I told the doctor about my worry of gaining it all back again. She said that I will complete it this time, and I will be on the maintenance program and that if I follow her, I won't gain weight again. Its a investment as my insurance does not cover the nutrional counceling and labs, but it is way less than surgery or the cost of being obese.

The doctor even said thate there is a Pregnancy program I can go on if I don't reach goal before Alan and I decided to start "trying".

All in all, I just wanna be a healthy momma who can keep up with the kids as they get older...that is why I am starting now.


TheLadiesRoom said...

Nice woman! I'm so proud of you!! And I wish you tons of good luck!!!

Kelly said...

Keep up the good work can do it! We are all there for ya! Love you tons..